Sunday, February 7, 2010

Sketches for a new project

so maybe this will work better.

I didn't like this way of dialog that much...

Here is the way we envision the space

I've been working on a new collaboration lately.

It's really exciting but it's still somewhat of a secret. I'll add in the details once it will all be confirmed. in the meantime here are some of the process sketches for this video installation...

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Oh, and this is what they wrote about Pixelville in the New York Magazine...

'A gorgeous, playful, futuristic, somewhat sobering new-media show by two female Israeli artists who love and are perplexed by their nation in flux. Impeccable, vintage-looking graphic images and videos are projected across a room containing botanical-looking sculptural forms centered around a round white sandbox'.


Split Ends-Artist talk about places of conflict,

Join us on Saturday, 13th of February for the public panel I'm organizing, as part of the
A.I.R gallery fellowshi
p. It will take place at Dumbo Arts center (you can also see Pixelville there)
For more information, please go here:

Pixelville, a site specific installation @ Dumbo Arts Center,

In the very long time that past since I last regularly blogged the site specific installation,
Pixelville, in collaboration with Shirley Shor has come to life.
The show is on until February 22nd. The gallery is open Wednesday to Sunday. 12PM to 5PM
Here some info, from the sketch phase to the real thing...

A belated new year's resolution: I will post sketches in 2010. yes.

Well, I know, It has been ages since I last posted material to the blog.
The good part is that a lot has happened and I have tons of stuff to post.
I try really hard to be consistent from now on. Here goes,