Sunday, October 24, 2010

And Michal Heiman and I also created a site specific installation

The project was entitled Shlishit
It was compiled of a movie Michal directed in which I participated, three of my sculptures where we embedded extracts taken from the movie and drawings we created throughout the course of making the movie.

OK, let me try and start from the Art Fair in May...

...So during the Fresh Paint art fair in May in Tel Aviv I was super surprised to receive the Ahuvi most promising
artist award! as part of this price, I'm working towards a solo show to be exhibited in the next art fair this April.
Here are some photos from the art fair:

It has been a while...

It has been a long time since I last posted an entry.
I really have a good excuse. I promise.
I'll try to post some updates regarding this long, silent period and be more disciplined blogwise
in the future.